How Flush’s Bathroom Trailer Rentals Will Enhance Your VIP Fall Fundraising Event

Fall is the perfect time for fundraising. Not only is it the perfect opportunity for you to raise money for your favorite charity, but you also build a sense of solidarity among your community, family, and friends. How do you increase engagement at your VIP fall fundraising event? We can help as our bathroom trailer rentals set an exclusive vibe and persuade attendees to stay and enjoy the event.

Making Guests Feel Like VIPS At Fundraising Events

The fall is ripe for VIP fall fundraising events because of local harvests, holidays, artistic endeavors, back-to-school campaigns, and artisan markets. Most charities and non-profits also use the last three months of each year to raise funds for their new year’s charitable interests. Consumers also look forward to attending fundraisers for the fall cuisine, tasty treats, and pumpkin-spiced lattes.

As it is a VIP fundraiser, you’ll want to go out of your way to give your guests the best food, design, décor, and event amenities. Here are a few ways you can go the extra mile to set the right mood.

  • VIP Tables

One benefit about fundraisers is that attendees often get an opportunity to network, so it is a great way to facilitate it by offering access to VIP tables where people can sit together and catch up. As everyone wants to be a part of the in-crowd, you can also market the access to VIP tables to encourage attendance and offer tiered fundraising options to increase the number of donations.

  • VIP Concierge Service

VIP is all about having all the help one needs on hand when it is needed, so your fundraising event can offer this service to your most exclusive guests. Not only will it promote how important a person is, but it will also allow you to ensure your VIP invitees get the attention they need. You also won’t have to micro-manage the staff as concierges are used to providing special treatment.

  • VIP SWAG Exclusives

Selling VIP is all about experiences, so a good way to get your guests in the giving mood is by offering event swag exclusives like gift bags. You can even ask companies to offer fundraising sponsorships to get the items you need for the gift bags. You may also offer giveaways and other exclusives to get more people interested in VIP availability, seating, and happy hour perks.

  • VIP Fall Cocktail Blends

Forget the beer or wine. VIPs will want cocktails. To properly welcome the VIP crowds, you can create a few delicious fall cocktail blends that are sure to please. From fragrant alcohol blends to seasonal cider mixes, you can make delicious tasting beverages that include fall favorites like spicy hot toddies, apple cider mojitos, rum cocktails, or cinnamon and clove alcoholic blends.

  • VIP Event Emcee Recognition

What is more VIP than the public recognition of special guests?  Your fundraising event emcee can shout out your special guests and ensure everyone in the crowd knows they are attending.

  • VIP Bathroom Trailer Rentals

Some of these events are naturally outside, so bathroom trailer rentals set the right atmosphere and keep your guests happy and content. Moreover, our bathroom trailer rentals are exclusively built, so no matter the activities or dress code, there is lots of room for every visitor to use the restroom in comfort and style. The ladies also have space to freshen up and powder their noses.

Flush staffing has more than ten years of experience working directly with Greater Boston and Southern New Hampshire fundraising campaigners and non-profit organizations. If you are unsure of how the sanitation will work at your next event, simply give us a call at (978) 778-8000 or send us a message on Facebook at to get more information.