Portable Toilet or Restroom Trailer, Which Is Better?

When you are renting portable restroom facilities, there are two primary options available, portable toilets and restroom trailers. However, deciding which of these to choose for your upcoming event or work site isn’t always easy. So, let’s go over some details to consider to help you decide.

Do You Already Have Some Restrooms?

If you are renting portable bathrooms only to add to your current restroom facilities, then portable toilets should be fine. All you really have to worry about is renting enough of them to keep the lines down.

Expected Attendance

One of the most important things to consider when renting portable bathrooms is how many people will be using them. You want to make sure you have enough toilets. However, you also need to consider where you will be putting the restrooms. Do you have enough space for restroom trailers? Or, would you be better off lining up several portable toilets?

Type of Event

It is a good idea to consider the type of event you are hosting before deciding on what type of portable restroom to get. The type of event will help determine what kind of facilities the guests expect. For a more formal event, such as a wedding or anniversary, the guests will likely expect something better than a portable toilet. So, a restroom trailer would be the better choice. But, for the swim team’s annual ice cream picnic, portable toilets should be fine. Just try to match the occasion.

Timing of the Event

Depending on whether the event is scheduled for the day or the evening, you may want to consider lighting. If the event extends into the night, you may wish to use a lighted restroom trailer instead of a regular unlit portable toilet.

The Size of the Event

You should also consider the size of your event when choosing your portable restroom facilities. If you’re hosting a large event, you’re going to have a number of people attending, so you will need more facilities. A combination of restroom trailers and portable toilets could be a good choice. This will not only give you more facilities, but it will provide different facilities for different needs. Restroom trailers would allow people with young children more room to help them, along with providing a way for people to wash up if necessary.

The Length of Your Event

For a short event, portable toilets may be fine. You’ll want to make sure your guests have a restroom, but it shouldn’t need to accommodate as many people. You also don’t need to worry as much about the quality of the facility for a short event.

However, with a longer event, you may have more people using the facilities, which could make a restroom trailer a good idea. A trailer would also be a more comfortable option for people that will be at an event for a longer period.

Final Thoughts

Both portable toilets and restroom trailers are excellent at providing portable restroom facilities at events, and choosing between them can be difficult. For formal events and those taking place at night oftentimes, you would be better served with a restroom trailer. However, when space is a concern, regular bathrooms are available, or there are a large number of guests, portable toilets should do just fine.

Contact Us

No matter which option you choose for your event, Flush Services can provide it. For help choosing or to schedule a rental, call us at (978) 778-8000 or connect with us on Facebook.