What Should I Do if My Portable Toilet Tips Over?

No one wants to imagine it, but sometimes a portable toilet tips over. Whether it’s vandalism or by accident, the end result is the same, and it needs to be dealt with quickly. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at what to do if your portable toilet tips over.

Get in Touch With Your Portable Toilet Rental Company

The first thing you should do if this happens to one of your portable toilets is to call the business you rented it from. This sort of thing can happen with portable toilets, so they’re not likely to be surprised and will be prepared to deal with the situation. They can stand the portable toilet back up, clean it, disinfect it, and you’ll be set. They may even replace it.

This service may even be included with your service, in which case you wouldn’t even have to worry about the cost. If you’re concerned about it tipping over again, you could ask whether or not the business has anti-tip models. These units are made so as not to roll over. They can be connected to a post or driven into the ground.

Wait for Help

It may seem like a good idea to try to stand the portable toilet back up if it tips over, but you should wait for the rental company to arrive. If you try to move the unit, the sewage may spill. It could spread pathogens, which may cause you or other people in the area to get sick. So, it’s best not to take any chances and let the professionals deal with the situation. Portable toilets do sometimes tip over or get pushed over, so your rental company will be prepared to safely fix the problem.

Block Off the Area

Since it is possible for the portable toilet to leak once it is tipped over, you’ll need to block it off and mark it as being out of order. You wouldn’t want anyone to be exposed to possible pathogens, and unless the toilet is clearly blocked off, some people may be curious enough to take a look, especially children.

Carefully Place Your Portable Toilets

Although portable toilet rental companies are used to dealing with tipped-over units, it’s far better to make sure your portable toilet doesn’t tip over. One of the best ways to keep this from happening is to be careful where you put the units. Make sure you place your portable toilets on a flat, firm surface; a cement or paved surface is ideal. Don’t place the units on a surface that is sloped or muddy, as this would increase the risk of the unit tipping over. It also helps to put the units in a visible, well-lit area to avoid the units being intentionally tipped over.

Final Thoughts

It is never a pleasant experience for a portable toilet to tip over, and this can most definitely be a gross experience. But don’t let it worry you too much. Portable toilet providers are very used to this occurrence and are prepared to provide thorough cleaning and sanitation to restore the toilet and surrounding area like it never happened.

Contact Us

If you are in need of a portable toilet rental provider who can help you plan to prevent occurrences like these from happening in the first place and help deal with them, if they do, contact Flush Services. Our team has more than ten years of experience in the industry and can help you with all of your toilet rental needs. Call us at (978) 778-8000 and connect with us on Facebook.