When Should I Rent a Bathroom Trailer?

When it comes time to rent a portable toilet, most people assume that they will be limited to the regular box that everyone sees at construction sites and festivals. But, what many people do not know is that many modern portable toilet providers offer another option as well, bathroom trailers.

A bathroom trailer offers all the amenities of a normal home bathroom, including plumbing, lighting, and temperature control. These high-quality portable restrooms are perfect for many occasions, but when should you choose these slightly pricier options over a regular portable toilet?


When your home is going through a major remodeling project, it can often be difficult or even impossible to use the bathroom during certain periods of the project. For many families, especially those with children, this can be extremely inconvenient.

It can often be difficult to just run out to a public bathroom, and with smaller children, there may not be enough time to make it. So, just about anyone would want a better solution.

Bathroom trailers can be just this. A portable toilet may suffice, but with a bathroom trailer, you do not need to suffer without the comforts of home. With complete plumbing and AC, you can feel just as clean and comfortable as you would with your home bathroom.

Special Events

For many special events such as weddings, anniversaries, and other celebrations, you may not want just “good enough.” A bathroom trailer may not seem that fancy, but when compared with a portable toilet, it can add a touch of flair to a special event. Also, it can add a lot of convenience for special events where children are present because parents can fit in to accompany children and be a lot less cramped.

Guests can also check their appearance, touch up hair and makeup, as well as change in a restroom trailer which would be difficult to do in a portable toilet. Many have even decorated them to help blend in with the décor at events such as weddings.

Corporate Events

With corporate events, it doesn’t matter whether it is a picnic or a retreat; you want the event to go smoothly. This means a lot of planning and bathroom facilities need to be a part of this. Without enough toilets, employees are going to find themselves in long lines.

Bathroom trailers are not only a more comfortable way to use the toilet, but they also have multiple toilets for every trailer, making it easier to ensure a sufficient amount of facilities are available.


When you are arranging for a festival, you are likely planning to arrange for a number of portable toilets, and this is definitely a good idea. Portable toilets are a cost-effective way to ensure you have a number of facilities present spread across the event for your guests.

However, renting a small number of bathroom trailers can be a great idea as well. These bathrooms can give the room and plumbing to make it far easier for parents to clean up and change their children’s clothes if they have an accident or are messy eaters. Plus, it is great for changing diapers or when children need help using the toilet. Finally, anyone may appreciate the chance to wash up, especially if food is present.

Final Thoughts

Often times a regular portable toilet can be enough to provide suitable facilities, but sometimes the greater comfort and plumbing of a bathroom trailer are just what’s right. If you are planning for any of these situations, consider if you would prefer the space and comfort that a bathroom trailer can provide.

Contact Us

If you are considering a portable toilet or bathroom trailer rental, contact us at Flush Services. We offer the highest quality and comfort in portable toilet and bathroom trailer rentals with top-notch service. Call us at (978) 778-8000 and connect with us on Facebook.