Why Flush’s Bathroom Trailer Rentals Are the Go-To Option For Outdoor Events

As event organizers are now prioritizing guest services, deluxe bathroom trailer rentals are the go-to option for outdoor events. Not only do bathroom trailers provide event visitors full bathroom amenities to encourage health, but Flush’s two to ten station trailer units offer convenience. They also have A/C and heat, which allows guests to feel comfortable regardless of the seasonal weather.

Types Of Bathroom Trailer Rentals

Our bathroom trailer rentals are chic yet resilient, so they will meet all your needs regardless of the type of event you are planning. For smaller events, a two or four-door bathroom trailer rental just might fit your needs. For larger events, you might decide on renting something like our six, eight, or ten-door bathroom trailers. If unsure, we’ll gladly consult with you and provide you with a quote.

Functioning is also something important to consider when it comes to the health and safety of event workers and guests. All waste is stored in an exterior section, so the bathroom retains a clean, pleasant scent, which everyone using the facility will appreciate. Portable bathroom trailers are also private and have push pedals to limit contact between guests, which supports hygienic practices.

Portable bathroom trailers also have sinks for visitor handwashing. Each portable bathroom trailer is equipped with fresh water and wastewater tanks. If your outdoor event operates for multiple days or attracts many attendees, having an attendant tidy the area and keep the soap and disinfectant dispensers filled will help keep your event on track and workers and guests healthy and safe.

Finding ways to modernize an event is also important to outdoor event planners and guests. As most outdoor events usually have an announcer, having the right technology on hand to broadcast notices is convenient for guests. Flush’s portable trailer rentals have surround sound stereo equipment so that those in the area of the portable bathrooms won’t miss a thing when activities are about to start.

What Are the Benefits of Portable Bathroom Trailers?

One of the biggest benefits of providing portable bathrooms at events is accessibility and convenience. Locations without bathroom facilities provide a challenge to event planners that can be easily overcome by calling Flush. We also deliver quickly, so even if your portable bathroom order is last minute, you won’t have to worry or stress over finding a fast, affordable solution for your events.

Outdoor events are also often day-long and provide food vending services, which means the likelihood of needing to use a restroom increases. You won’t want to inconvenience your guests by asking them to leave your event to use another facility. Not only would it hurt the reputation of the event organizer, but attendees in the future might think twice about attending one of your events.

Our portable bathroom trailers are just what you need for your next Greater Boston or Southern New Hampshire event. To learn more about renting from Flush, please call our office at (978) 778-8000. We will gladly consult with you on Facebook. Simply visit https://www.facebook.com/flushservices and send us a direct message about your event and we’ll gladly help you with the planning.